
Who is infoDD ?

infoDD GmbH is an innovative mid-range company for services in the IT- and construction sectors, headquartered in Alfter near Bonn. It has been founded in 2012 by Detlef Dewitz as a spin off DEFObonn GmbH.


What is the business of infoDD ? 

infoDD GmbH offers customized consulting solutions in the sectors of system development and system integration.


Why choose infoDD ?

infoDD GmbH has the expert knowledge and experience of two managing directors and well instructed collaborators at its disposal. Its high standard network of experts and specialists enables infoDD GmbH to assure the coordination and complete realization of smaller and bigger projects.

Especially when all conventional methods to overcome IT-infrastructure and construction related problems have reached their limits, infoDD GmbH will find an integral starting point for a solution and will develop the individual strategies required to manage the work at hand.